lgbtqia+ inclusion
Kingston City Rollers is an inclusive, open gender roller derby league, that welcomes everyone, supports each persons’ roller derby journey, provides opportunities for everyone regardless of their gender, sexual orientation and abilities and creates a safe, family, and community environment for all. KCR is a safe and inclusive community for LGBTQIA+ people to belong, and we are committed to a zero-tolerance policy of any form of discrimination. At Kingston City Rollers, our focus on diversity and inclusion is about making Kingston City Rollers a great league for all our members and to contribute towards growing roller derby in Australia for all people.
The PSI (Pride in Sport Index™) is an initiative of the Australian Human Rights Commission and the Australian Sports Commission. It is the first and only benchmarking instrument specifically designed to assess the inclusion of people with diverse sexualities and genders within Australian sporting organisations and codes more broadly. Participating in the index will allow Australian sporting organisations to not only assess their own practice, but determine that which constitutes good practice, along with the ability to benchmark their own initiatives against an external measure and other sporting organisations.
At the 2023 Pride in Sports awards, Kingston City Rollers was awarded Community Sporting Organisation of the Year, and Most Improved Community Sporting Organisation for the PSI index, where we were award Gold Tier recognition for our work on inclusion over the 2022. year. This is an improvement on our previous year scores, where we were awarded the Bronze award.

Diversity and Inclusion Officer Nicole Mugford (Muggles) She/Her

Member Wellbeing Officer Raffina Guest (Raff) She/Her
All complaints and matters directed to the Diversity & Inclusion Officer or Member Wellbeing Officer will be dealt with confidentially and in a sensitive and timely manner as per our procedures in the KCR Wellbeing Manual.
Kingston City Rollers’ LGBTQIA+ Inclusion Policy is included within the wellbeing policy and is available to members at any time.
The objectives of the Inclusion Policy are as follows:
Inclusion policy
- To affirm KCR’s commitment to supporting the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ identifying people in sport.
- To ensure that KCR provides a safer and more welcoming environment for LGBTQIA+ identifying people by eliminating discriminative behaviour within our league and programs/events organised by KCR.
- To apply standards that enforce a zero tolerance of discriminative behaviours based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or intersex status.
- To affirm KCR’s support of gender affirming practices in our competitions, programs and operations.
- To outline KCR’s grievance procedures that are consistent with our code of conduct and wellbeing policy.

QLife provides Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
QLife services are free and include both telephone and webchat support, delivered by trained LGBTI community members across the country. Our services are for LGBTI individuals, their friends and families, and health professionals in Australia.
If you’re looking to connect with someone to explore what’s going on in your life, we’re here to chat and to take your call from 3pm-midnight each day.
We also welcome contact from people who may not be LGBTI but who want to talk about someone else they care about.
Call 1800 184 527
Our ambassadors
Ambassadors are people within our league, who live and breathe the values of inclusion. Many are members of the LGBTQIA+ community or allies who support family & friends. Every member in our league is an ambassador who lives out these values in the wider derby community.
Fact Sheet- Diverse sexuality, diverse gender, support for allies (inclusion within sport) – Check the website out for a directory of services and events for the LGBTQIA+ community – Check out the website for information on other sporting organisations working towards inclusion, and do an online module on Inclusion in sport.